
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 381 - 400 of 4419 results. Page: 20 of 221
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
381 Barnett English Baronet; leader. M
382 Barney English Used as a diminutive of Barnard, meaning strong as a bear. Also a diminutive of Barnaby, which is a variant of the Hebrew Barnabas meaning son of consolation, son of exhortation, or son of comfort. M

383 Barnham English Variant of Barnum: From the baron's home. M
384 Barnum English From the baron's home. M
385 Baron English Warrior; A title of nobility used as a given name. M
386 Barr English Gateway. M
387 Barrclay English Variant of Barclay: Birch valley; birch tree meadow. M
388 Barre English Gateway. M
389 Barret English Variant of Barnett. M
390 Barrett English Bear power. Introduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest. Subsequently became common as a surname. Also a variant of Barnett. M
391 Barric English Grain farm. M
392 Barrick English Grain farm. M
393 Barrie English Fair-haired. M

394 Barrington English Fair-haired. Based on a surname and place name of uncertain origin. Occasionally used as a first name. M
395 Barrlow English Variant of Barlow: Hillside. M
396 Barron English Warrior; Variant of the title Baron. M
397 Barry English Fair-haired. M
398 Bart English From the barley farm. M
399 Bartel English Diminutive of Bartholomew: Son of a farmer; from the barley farm. M
400 Barth English Son of the earth; Variant of Bartholomew often used as a surname. M

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