
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 2621 - 2640 of 6705 results. Page: 132 of 336
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2621 Ellwood English From the old forest. M
2622 Elly English Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen. F

2623 Ellyce English Variant of Elias which is the Greek form of Elijah. F
2624 Ellyn English Variant of Helen. Means Light or most beautiful woman. F
2625 Ellyson English Variant of Ellison: Ellis' son. M
2626 Elma English Used as a diminutive of many feminine name ending in 'elma'. Also a name derived from a compound of the first two letters of Elizaheth and Mary. F
2627 Elmer English A variant of Aylmer. Famous bearer: Ebenezer and Jonathan Elmer were two famous American brothers who played an important role in the American War of Independence. F
2628 Elmer English Noble. M
2629 Elmir English Variant of Elmer: Noble. M
2630 Elmira English Noble. F
2631 Elmo English Variant of Elmer: Noble. M
2632 Elmoor English Lives at the elm tree moor. M
2633 Elmore English Lives at the elm tree moor. M

2634 Elmyra English Noble. F
2635 Elnora English Variant of Eleanor. F
2636 Elora English Modern blend of 'El-' and Lora meaning God gives the Laurel; the crown of victory. F
2637 Elric English Wise ruler. M
2638 Elrick English The king. M
2639 Elrod English The king. M
2640 Elroy English The king. M

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