
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 2181 - 2200 of 6705 results. Page: 110 of 336
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2181 Deonne English Variant of Diana: divine. F
2182 Deortun English From the deer park. M

2183 Deorward English Guardian of the deer. M
2184 Deorwine English Friend of the deer. M
2185 Derald English Blend of Daryl and Harold or Gerald. M
2186 Derby English Deer Park, from the surname and place name Derby. Also 'Without envy.'. M
2187 Derebourne English From the deer brook. M
2188 Dereck English Variant of Derek: Leader. M
2189 Derek English Gifted ruler. People ruler. Variant of the Old German TheodoricFamous bearer: Derrick was a 17th century hangman at Tyhurn, whose name became synonymous with 'gallows' and now refers to a type of crane.'Gifted ruler.' From Theodoric. M
2190 Dereka English Gifted ruler. Modern feminine of Derek. F
2191 Derell English Variant of Darrel 'open.'. M
2192 Derica English Gifted ruler. Modern feminine of Derek. F
2193 Derick English Gifted ruler. From Theodoric. M

2194 Dericka English Gifted ruler. Modern feminine of Derek. F
2195 Derik English Gifted ruler. From Theodoric. M
2196 Derrall English Variant of Darrel 'open.'. M
2197 Derrance English Blend of Darell and Clarence. M
2198 Derreck English Variant of Derek: Leader. M
2199 Derrek English Gifted ruler. From Theodoric. M
2200 Derrell English Variant of Darrel 'open.'. M

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