
Popular Egyptian Origin Baby Names

Popular Egyptian names for girls and boys

Showing 341 - 360 of 365 results. Page: 18 of 19
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
341 Tutankhamun Egyptian Name of a pharaoh. M
342 Uadjit Egyptian Mythical cobra goddess. F

343 Uatchit Egyptian Another form of Hathor. F
344 Ubaid Egyptian Faithful. M
345 Ufa Egyptian Flour. M
346 Umayma Egyptian Little mother. F
347 Umi Egyptian Life. M
348 Umm Egyptian Mother. F
349 Un nefer Egyptian God of the dead. M
350 Ur Egyptian Great. M
351 Ur Atum Egyptian Great. M
352 Urbi Egyptian Princess. F
353 Usi Egyptian Smoke. M

354 Uthman Egyptian A friend of Muhammad. M
355 Walidah Egyptian Newly born. F
356 Wamukota Egyptian Left handed. M
357 Yafeu Egyptian Bold. M
358 Yahya Egyptian Given by God. M
359 Zahra Egyptian Flower. F
360 Zahur Egyptian Flower. M

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