
Popular Celtic Origin Baby Names

Popular Celtic names for girls and boys

Showing 541 - 560 of 710 results. Page: 28 of 36
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
541 Maeveen Celtic Nimble. F
542 Malcolm Celtic Servant of Saint Columba. M

543 Malvin Celtic Leader. M
544 Malvina Celtic Handmaiden. F
545 Malvyn Celtic Leader. M
546 Marella Celtic Shining sea. Variant of Muriel. F
547 Marilla Celtic Shining sea. Variant of Muriel. F
548 Mariner Celtic Lives by the sea. M
549 Marvin Celtic Lives by the sea. M
550 Marvina Celtic Renowned friend. Feminine of Marvin: Lives by the Sea. F
551 Marvyn Celtic Lives by the sea. M
552 Maureen Celtic Great. F
553 Mavelle Celtic Songbud. F

554 Mavie Celtic Songbud. F
555 Mavis Celtic Songbud. F
556 Meadghbh Celtic Nimble. F
557 Medb Celtic A mythical queen. F
558 Medredydd Celtic Mythical son of Medredydd. M
559 Melva Celtic Chief. Handmaiden. F
560 Melville Celtic Leader. M

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