
Popular Biblical Origin Baby Names

Popular Biblical names for girls and boys

Showing 2441 - 2460 of 2587 results. Page: 123 of 130
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2441 Tohu Biblical That lives, that declares. M
2442 Toi Biblical Who wanders. M

2443 Tola Biblical Worm, grub, scarlet. M
2444 Tolad Biblical A generation. M
2445 Tophel Biblical Ruin, folly, without understanding. M
2446 Tophet Biblical A drum, betraying. M
2447 Trachonitis Biblical Stony. M
2448 Troas Biblical Penetrated. M
2449 Trophimus Biblical Well educated, well brought up. M
2450 Tryphon Biblical Masculine of Tryphena. M
2451 Tubal Biblical The earth, the world, confusion. M
2452 Tubal-cain Biblical Worldly possession, possessed of confusion. M
2453 Tychicus Biblical Casual, by chance. M

2454 Tyrannus Biblical A prince; one that reigns M
2455 Tyre Biblical Strength; rock; sharp M
2456 Tyrus Biblical Strength; rock; sharp M
2457 Ucal Biblical Power, prevalency. M
2458 Uel Biblical Desiring God. M
2459 Ulai Biblical Strength, fool, senseless. M
2460 Ulam Biblical The porch, the court, their strength, their folly. M

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