
Popular Anglo-Saxon Origin Baby Names

Popular Anglo-Saxon names for girls and boys

Showing 161 - 180 of 650 results. Page: 9 of 33
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
161 Cadwallon Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
162 Caedmon Anglo-Saxon Poet. M

163 Caedwalla Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
164 Caflice Anglo-Saxon Brave. M
165 Camden Anglo-Saxon From the winding valley. M
166 Camdene Anglo-Saxon From the winding valley. M
167 Cartimandua Anglo-Saxon Name of a queen of Brigantes. F
168 Cate Anglo-Saxon Innocent. F
169 Catherine Anglo-Saxon Innocent. F
170 Catheryn Anglo-Saxon Innocent. F
171 Cathryn Anglo-Saxon Innocent. F
172 Cearo Anglo-Saxon Sorrow. F
173 Ceawlin Anglo-Saxon Name of a King. M

174 Cedd Anglo-Saxon Name of a bishop. M
175 Cenwalh Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
176 Ceolfrith Anglo-Saxon Name of an abbot. M
177 Ceolwulf Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
178 Cerdic Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
179 Chad Anglo-Saxon Name of a saint. M
180 Chapman Anglo-Saxon Merchant. M

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