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You can ask up to three questions.
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I use KP Horary Astrology to answer.
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Horary Astrology (Prashana Jyotish, Chappanna Shastram) is one of the branches of Astrology. It is perfect, Mysterious, Wonderful and most useful. It gives accurate, correct, clear and precise predictions. Horary Astrology is more preferred than Natal Astrology. To erect a horoscope, the time of birth should be accurate. However, the time of birth in most cases is not correct.
One more thing is in one's Horoscope it may be found that the person will have an agricultural farm, but one can't say without the help of horary astrology that whether he will have the crop of Oranges or Mangos. Therefore, to have exact and precise prediction on a particular thing Horary Astrology is very useful. You can ask any type of question like Job, Marriage, Children, Journeys, Health etc... It is also helpful for missing articles, theft and missing persons to find the right direction and possibility of recovery.
You can get answer for your questions by mail, chat or phone. You can ask up to three questions.
Please note: All paid Astrology and Remedial services excluding Janmakundali and Year forecast report servcies, are not available for few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please note that I do not answer questions related to gender of child, longevity of a person and lottery, gambling, speculation related questions and few other which are not mentioned here. If you ask questions which are not answerable your order will be cancelled and amount will be refunded. Please keep in mind that Astrology is to help people not to harm people.
Are you interested in knowing your future and improving it with the help of Vedic Astrology? Here is a free service for you. Get your Vedic birth chart with the information like likes and dislikes, good and bad, along with 100-year future predictions, Yogas, doshas, remedies and many more. Click below to get your free horoscope.
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Are you searching for a detailed Panchang or a daily guide with good and bad timings, do's, and don'ts? Our daily Panchang service is just what you need! Get extensive details such as Rahu Kaal, Gulika Kaal, Yamaganda Kaal, Choghadiya times, day divisions, Hora times, Lagna times, and Shubha, Ashubha, and Pushkaramsha times. You will also find information on Tarabalam, Chandrabalam, Ghata day, daily Puja/Havan details, journey guides, and much more.
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